The Buloke Times

Ready for Halloween: Back row, left to right, Patrick Sheahan, Abi Flowers, Phoebe Paley, Kelsey Atkinson, Chloe Gleeson. Front: Archie Tyler, Jed Coffey, Marcus Atkinson, Dakota Atkinson, Oceania Atkinson, Indya-Rose Atkinson.

Back row, Charlie Williams, Spencer Williams. Front: Sienna Richmond, Scarlett Williams.

Heidi McDonald, and publican Jason Gwin at the Donald Hotel.

Imogen Boyle, Tylah Haslam, Keira Lowry, Hannah Wilson, Bethany HiHa, Ada Bourke.

Crash landing in McCracken Avenue, Donald.

Jock and Ari Richmond, and the family’s graveyard theme.


2020 Halloween

Out and about to celebrate Halloween in Birchip and Donald.