The Buloke Times
Memorable Moments in Local Sport: ANA Cricket 2
1 min read

(By Brian Bayles, Donald) 
It was a very hot Saturday afternoon, ANA (my team) was playing cricket against Rich Avon.

Late in the day, one senior Rich Avon player had had enough and was replaced by a young ANA lad as substitute in the field.

I had been batting for a long time, the score had been passed and the shade and cold drinks were becoming very inviting. To get them, all I had to do was get out.

A very ambitious slog sent the ball high in the air. Parked underneath was the substitute fieldsman, who also happened to be our apprentice at the “Times”, Shane O’Shea.

“If you drop this Shane, don’t come into work Monday,” I said as I walked off, removing my batting gloves.

Drop it he did!

That meant I had to put my gloves back on and get back to the wicket and try to find another way to get out!

Fortunately, Shane did come in on Monday morning and since then, almost 50 years later, partner, reporter, chief sports writer, photographer and “Recorder” editor are just a few of the hats he now wears at the “Buloke Times”.

More from the ANA cricket club: Memorable Moments in Local Sport: ANA Cricket and Brian at: A Golfing Memory

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