The Buloke Times

The friendly pony, “Daisy”, won’t be a runner in this year’s Cup, but was still the favourite with Caroline Heritage at Goodwin Village.

Goodwin Village residents Janice McArthur (with Cup replica), and Therese Brennan. Staff member Trish Anderson is in the background.

Marion and Brian Bayles, and their faithful canine friend, Boots, of Donald, have their photograph taken with the Melbourne Cup.

St. Mary’s Primary  School student, Daniel Spencer, nephew of leading Australian jockey, Tommy Berry, and wearing his uncle’s silks, is pictured with the 2020 Lexus Melbourne Cup.

Donald Primary school students and principal Gavin Young, with the 2020 Lexus Melbourne Cup.

Paul Zielinski and “Jimmy”, receive the 2020 Lexus Melbourne Cup from Melbourne Cup Carnival Security manager, Simon Ogden.

Donald Pony Club members who accompanied the 2020 Lexus Melbourne Cup to the Donald Primary School included, left to right, Johanna Griffiths (riding Squizzy), Erin Clark with Jill McEwen (Daisy), Stella Wheeler with Kellie James (Lily), Kendra Clark with Melissa Sellick (Rosy), Paul Zielinski (Jimmy) and Olivia Zielinski (Kyle).

Almost-three-year-old Layla Wheeler (foreground), acting as an official, was on hand to help with the preparation of Donald Pony Club representatives who assisted with the visit of the Melbourne Cup to Donald Primary School on Tuesday. Layla is pictured with her Mum, Kelly James (left), and grandmother, Nicole James, as her four-year-old sister, Stella, gets comfortable in the saddle on “Lily”.


2020 Melbourne Cup Tour - Donald

2020 Melbourne Cup Mallee Tour started in Donald on Tuesday, October 6.
More photographs from the day.